Sunday 1 March 2015

Omelette Muffins

Love making and eating omelette's and seen it being coked a different way so of course I had to try it out and to be fair it worked out really well and Neve enjoyed eating her omelette's in this way it looked like a muffin.

6 Eggs
Grated Cheese
(Or choose your favourite omelette filling)

1. Preheat the oven at gas mark 4
2. Fry the chicken until the chicken is cooked through, and cut up the ham into small pieces.
3. Beat the eggs together and pour into the muffin tray.
4. Add the chicken to three holes and the ham to the other three holes.
5. Place the grated cheese over all of the muffin holes.
6. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes and then serve.

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