Sunday 1 March 2015

Welsh Cakes

As it's St Davids Day, myself and Neve decided to make some welsh cakes. Neve had lots of fun with mixing, cutting and covering the welsh cakes in sugar (and, of course eating the sugar using the spoon)

265g Plain Flour
1 1/2tsp Baking Power
1/2tsp Ground Cinnamon
130g Butter
90g Caster Sugar
70g Raisins
1 Egg
1tbsp Milk

1. Sift the flour, baking powder and cinnamon into a bowl, add the butter and rub the butter and flour together to create a breadcrumb like mixture.
2. Stir in the Raisins and sugar, then mix in the egg and add the milk (a little at a time) until the mixture is a firm dough.
3. Lightly flour the surface and roll out the dough. The using a pastry cutter, cut out the welsh cakes.
4. Heat up a frying pan over a low heat, when hot enough grease with butter or oil and cook the welsh cakes for 3-4 minutes each side, until golden brown.
5. Remove the welsh cakes once golden and cooked through, sprinkle with sugar and serve.

Omelette Muffins

Love making and eating omelette's and seen it being coked a different way so of course I had to try it out and to be fair it worked out really well and Neve enjoyed eating her omelette's in this way it looked like a muffin.

6 Eggs
Grated Cheese
(Or choose your favourite omelette filling)

1. Preheat the oven at gas mark 4
2. Fry the chicken until the chicken is cooked through, and cut up the ham into small pieces.
3. Beat the eggs together and pour into the muffin tray.
4. Add the chicken to three holes and the ham to the other three holes.
5. Place the grated cheese over all of the muffin holes.
6. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes and then serve.

Chocolate Spread Cake

A very easy cake to make as you only use two ingredients. Great for a gluten free diet as you don't need any flour at all, and the chocolate spread can be replaced with dairy free chocolate spread..

4 Large Eggs
8 1/2oz Chocolate Spread

1. Grease a cake tin and heat the oven at gas mark 4.
2. Beat the eggs at a high speed until they triple in size, this may take up to 6-8 minutes.
3. Measure out the chocolate spread and place in the microwave for about 20 seconds to soften the chocolate.
4. Spoon 1/3 of the egg into the chocolate spread and carefully stir until the egg is mixed in, then add another 1/3 to the mix and stir gently until the egg is completely mixed in, finally add the last of the egg and again with gently until the egg is mixed in.
5. Pour the mixture into the cake tin. Bake for about 20-25 minutes, leave the cake in the tin until it has completely cooled down, get out of the tin once cooled down, slice and serve.