Sunday 28 December 2014

Cinnamon Pancakes

For this I used some left over Christmas baking ingredients, adding the cinnamon just jazzes up the pancakes and keeps them festive!! Going to make sure next Christmas morning, Neve will be having these festive pancakes for her breakfast. 

100g Plain Flour
Pinch of Salt
1tsp Ground Cinnamon
2 Eggs
300ml Milk (soya or almond milk for dairy free)

1. Mix together the flour, salt & cinnamon and make a well in the middle.
2. Crack the 2 Eggs into the middle and add 50mls of milk and mix together until you have a thick smooth paste.
3. Slowly add the milk and keep whisky to prevent any lumps.
4. Heat the frying pan and wipe an oiled kitchen paper. Ladle the batter into the heated frying pan and tilt to make an even layer of batter and cook for about 30-40 seconds then flip onto the other side for another 30-40 seconds.
5. Serve with honey and sugar or anything you fancy.

Neve's thoughts
Neve really enjoyed these, wanting me to fill her plate with pancakes. She also helped with the whisking and sprinkling the sugar over the pancake ready to roll up and eat.

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