Tuesday 21 October 2014

Rainbow Juice

The perfect juice for children with the bright colours and the sweetness from the healthy fresh fruit.

Makes 2-3 glasses

4 Kiwi Fruits
1/2 Small Pineapple
130g Strawberries

1. Cut away the skin on the pineapple, then halve and remove the core. Roughly chop the pineapple flesh.
2. Put the pineapple in a blender and add 2 tbsp of water. Blend until a smooth purèe. Pour into a small bowl and set aside.
3. Peel & chop the kiwi fruit then place into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a small bowl and set aside.
4. Pull the stalks of the strawberries, place into a blender and blend until smooth.
5. Pour the strawberry purèe into three glasses. Carefully spoon the kiwi purèe onto the strawberry and then carefully spoon the pineapple purèe on top. Then serve with a thick straw or spoon.

Neve's thoughts
Neve really really enjoyed this smoothie, she found the layers of colours fun as well as tasty.

Ruby Red Lemonade

This juice is a far more healthier alternative to ready - made drinks, it's made quickly and can be kept in the fridge for up to six days. Also great to freeze in ice cube trays, which can be popped out and put into a glass along with water for a chilled summers day drink.

Makes about 300ml before diluting

350g Blackberries or Blueberries
130g Caster Sugar
Ice Cubes
Sparkling Mineral Water

1. Examine the fruit carefully, removing the stalks and wash thoroughly. Allow the fruit to dry.
2. Push the fruit through the juicer.
3. Put the sugar in a small, heavy pan with 100ml of water. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves, stirring with a wooden spoon, then bring to the boil and boil for three minutes until syrupy. Reserve until cool.
4. Mix the fruit with the syrup in a jug. Pour roughly 50ml fruit syrup into a glass and add ice. Then top up with the sparkling water.

Neve's thoughts
I used blueberries (Neve's favourite fruit) this time round and well, what can I say.. Neve loved it and to be fair this is my favourite juice I've made. I'll be using this juice for Neve's birthday party as it's much healthier than squash and it's so much taster.

Ginger Juice

Fresh ginger is one of the best natural cures for indigestion and it helps settle upset stomachs, such as morning sickness and sickness bugs. This juice has an unusual fruity taste that is fresh and sweet, which is quick and easy to make.

Makes 1 glass

1/2 Small Pineapple 
25g Fresh Root Ginger
1 Carrot
Ice Cubes

1. Peel, core and roughly slice the pineapple flesh.
2. Peel and roughly chop the ginger.
3. Roughly chop the carrot. (No need to peel as going through the juicer)
4. Push the carrot, ginger and pineapple through the juicer and serve with ice cubes.

Neve's thoughts
Neve actually liked this juice, which shocked me as ginger is a new taste for Neve, But she wanted more after she finished her glass.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Smooth & Simple

Using frozen fruits is a great to make smoothies quickly and easily as it gives you an instant chilled drink.

Makes 3 glasses

500g Frozen Mixed Summer Fruits
2 tbsp Caster Sugar
300ml Orange Juice
60ml Single Cream

1. Tip all of the summer fruits into the blender with the caster sugar and orange juice.. Blend until smooth, add more orange juice if mixture is a little thick. 
2. Pour the smoothie into three glasses and, using a tablespoon, swirl a little cream into each glass. Serve with a long spoon to mix the cream.

Neve's thoughts
Neve really enjoyed this smoothie, she ended up covered in the smoothie because she was trying to get the rest out of the glass, and was asking for more.

Sweet, Sharp Shock

The grapes in this juice are a great combination with the apples as the grapes are full of natural sugars which, when mixed with the apples it creates a juice that's full of pep and zing.

Makes 1 large glass

150g Red Grapes
1 Red-Skinned Eating Apple
1 Small Cooking Apple
Crushed Ice

1. Roughly chop the apples then push the apples through the juicer along with the grapes.
2. Then pour over the crushed ice amd serve.

Neve's thoughts
Even though the colour isn't very appietizing Neve really enjoyed this sweet but sharp juice.

Clean Sweep

This juice is packed full with goodness, it helps cleanse and detox the bod.y. Drinking this juice on a regular basis gives your system a thorough clean out.

Makes 1 large or 2 small glasses

1 Celery Stick
300g Carrots
150g Green Grapes
Several Sprigs of Parsley

1. Roughly chop the celery and carrots. Push half of the celery, carrots and grapes through the juicer, then add the sprigs of parsley. Add the remaining celery, carrots and grapes. Juice until combined well.
2. Pour into one large or two small glasses and serve.

Neve's thoughts
Neve wasn't sure about this juice because she has never had celery before.

Mango Mania

Another perfect smoothie for those who suffer with a milk allergy. Soya milk makes this smoothie creamy but with the sweetness of the mango & the zesty flavour from the lime.

Makes 3 small glasses

1 Mango
300ml Soya Milk
Rind & Juice of 1 Lime
1-2 tbsp Clear Honey

1. Peel and cut the mango into chunks.. Then place the chunks into the blender, add the soya milk, lime rind & juice and honey. Blend until smooth and frothy.
2. Place the crushed ice into glasses, then pour over the smoothie.

Neve's thoughts
Neve really enjoyed this smoothie and couldn't get enough of it.

Raspberry Rippler

This is a perfect smoothie for milk allergy suffers as soya milk is used but also soya milk is much healthier than cows milk.

Makes 2 glasses

90g Fresh or Frozen Raspberries
5tbsp Clear Honey
1 Mango
100mls Soya Milk

1. Whiz the raspberries in the blender until smooth. Add 1 tbsp of water and 2 tbsp of honey then blitz for a few seconds. Place into a small bowl and set aside.
2. Clean out the blender. Cut the mango into chunks and then place the chunks into the blender, blend until smooth. Add the soya milk and 3tbsp of honey then blitz for a few seconds.
3. Pour a small amount of mango at the bottom of a glass, then pour a layer of the raspberry, another layer of the raspberry, another layer of mango and finally the last layer of raspberry. Use a teaspoon or a straw to gently stir the smoothie to create a swirl look. Then serve.

Neve's thoughts
This was Neve's favourite smoothie, she loved the different layers and of course the flavour. I must say I tried this one and can see why this her favourite!

Pink & Perky

A healthy energy juice that is perfect for when your energy levels are low. Drink first thing in the morning to get you started for the day or drink in the afternoon to give a lift to finish the day.

Makes 2 glasses

1 Pink Grapefruit or 1/2 Pink & 1/2 White Grapefruit
2 Ripe Pears
Ice Cubes

1. Roughly chop the pears and push through the juicer.
2. Peel the grapefruit and break into pieces and push through the juicer.
3. Place ice cubes into glasses and pour the juice over the ice cubes.

Neve's thoughts
Neve took a while to drink this one, she did like it but wasn't a great fan. Grapefruit does have a certain taste to it but Neve did drink the whole glass.

Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes is made from carrots & clemintines. This combination is packed full with vitamin A,  which is essential for healthy vision and vitamin C for an extra boost to the whole system. 

Makes 2 glasses

200g Carrots
6 Clemintines
Ice Cubes

1. Peel & chop the carrots into chunks and the peel & break up the clemintines. 
2. Push the clemintines through the juicer and then push the carrot chunks through the juicer.
3. Place the ice cubes into glasses and pour over the juice.

Neve's thoughts
Neve wasn't too fussed on this juice mainly because the recipe I followed stated to keep the skin on the clemintines which in our view didn't work with the taste.